Sunday, 15 May 2011

Additional Information about Filming my Sequence

I have created a team of around 4-5 actors (Mainly people who attend my school) to act in my film. I mainly used the social networking site called "Facebook" to get in touch with the actors, and i contacted them threw SMS for any other details, Such as where and what time to meet.

My Props List consist's of:
Face Blood

All equipment I am using is owned by the school, and i have asked and granted permission to use the equipment needed to create my sequence. The camera I used was a Sony "Handycam" HDR-CX305E Camcorder with a 4.2 MegaPixel Lens.
I will be using a SteadyCam on some shot's to help stop the Shakiness of normla hand held shots. Also a tripod to keep the main shots still and elevated.
The Filming location is at The Blandford School, as my film is about characters barricading themselves in a school to protect themselves of the zombie threat outside. I was given permission to film and have made a risk assessment about filming in these locations.
To edit, i will be using a school owned iMac, running Snow leopard and using iMovie and Final Cut Pro to edit my sequence. All editing and filming will be done by myself.

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