Monday 16 May 2011

Project Timeline

Evaluation and Fan Feedback

This is my Evaluation, I've hosted the Film on a site called Slideshare.

Heres the link:

Fan Feedback

For my Fan Feedback i interviewed a teacher about his views on my sequence, i uploaded it to youtube.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Get Crunk Logo

The Film company I created is called "Get Crunk" Here is the Logo for it.
I created this logo on CorelDraw.

Additional Information about Filming my Sequence

I have created a team of around 4-5 actors (Mainly people who attend my school) to act in my film. I mainly used the social networking site called "Facebook" to get in touch with the actors, and i contacted them threw SMS for any other details, Such as where and what time to meet.

My Props List consist's of:
Face Blood

All equipment I am using is owned by the school, and i have asked and granted permission to use the equipment needed to create my sequence. The camera I used was a Sony "Handycam" HDR-CX305E Camcorder with a 4.2 MegaPixel Lens.
I will be using a SteadyCam on some shot's to help stop the Shakiness of normla hand held shots. Also a tripod to keep the main shots still and elevated.
The Filming location is at The Blandford School, as my film is about characters barricading themselves in a school to protect themselves of the zombie threat outside. I was given permission to film and have made a risk assessment about filming in these locations.
To edit, i will be using a school owned iMac, running Snow leopard and using iMovie and Final Cut Pro to edit my sequence. All editing and filming will be done by myself.

AS Foundation Project.

This is my Main AS Foundation Project i created called "Before, it was a Cure".

I've Hosted the File on Youtube, Heres the Link:

It was Edited and Exported through iMovie.

AS Foundation Shot Types Video

Here is my First video i made in my AS Media Studies Course.

It shows and gives examples of some Shot types.

I've Hosted the File on Youtube, Heres the Link:

This was edited and exported through iMovie.

Preliminary Task

This is a link to my Preliminary Task, From my Youtube channel.

I've Hosted the File on Youtube, Heres the Link:

I Edited and uploaded this threw the use of iMovie.

Story Plot

Infection Genre

Scientist’s have made a life-changing discovery, a cure for cancer. As soon as it’s distributed, they find a catastrophic side effect. Turns the user into a made rage which use’s its primal instinct to find and kill all remaining humans left.
To survive the event, a group of survivors take hold up in a school, barricading themselves inside.
The group consists of 5 people, 2 females 3 males. All have completely different views and styles.
The film follows them as they make their way threw the school, finding new ways to defend themselves, barricading each wing of the school, as they slowly get overwhelmed.
While the infected remain outside, a new hatred starts within the group, and as arguments flair the group is at it’s weakest. Then the infected strike and the group are forced to make its last stand.

Character Info

My Main character is a "Jamie", Male, about 18 Years old. Just finished his A-Levels and looking to move far away from his small hometown in Dorset. He has Mid length blonde hair, about 6Ft2 and from a tough background. He will be quite dominent when it comes with leadership, a good fighter and a great tactician.
His main concern of this movie is to get as far away as possible from this town, and start fresh with a new life. He would fit into the average category personality wise, quite calm and understanding but has a mean temper. That help's his leadership skills through out the film.

Audience Research

I have found information about what my target audience watch through field research (Asking people who you know).
I have found out that most people who go to watch Infection horror films expect to see scary chase's, blood and gore, and some deaths.
The sort of Target audience I have decided on is, from Teenagers (Around 16 years old) to Young adults (Around 20-35 year olds), I decided on this due to the answers given by the majority of people who i asked.

The Questionnaire Questions i asked where:

Is Infection Horror's your favourite Horror Genre?
Do you mainly go to watch Infection Horror's over other film genres?
What do you expect from Infection Horror's?
Do you like films where you can relate yourself to the main character?
If yes, Why?

Language, Tone and Aesthetics.

I will be using three main types of tone, a scary, mystery, death defying action feel. Trying to make the viewer imagine the main character's fear as he's running for his life. As a director, i don't want the viewer to get bored so i will be swapping the tone at certain points of the film. Language will be some explicit swearing as it will be something the viewers can relate to, (as most people swear when they are scared, angry).

I would like the film to look is from the view of the main character, as he's running for his life, and how he handle's the new types of challenge's from the continuously attacking zombies. As well as what unfolds within the group, such as arguments and how he act's as a leader towards them. Hopefully this will make the audience think of being in the main character's shoes and be scared of this new world he's living in. I hope these aesthetics i bring into the film, it will create the scary, dark film i aimed to create.

Examples of Infection Horror

These are a few of the Films I would base mine on:

28 Day’s Later

28 Weeks Later

Dawn of the Dead

I am Legend


Textual Analysis - "Gamer"

Low angle, lighting flickers, the focus is on the prisoners, the colours have been slightly edited out to show only black and white. It is set in a train going to the slayer battlegrounds, the prisoners body language is that they are tense and don’t know what’s going to happen to them.

Close up shot, bad lighting, the focus is on the main character, editing has been used to make it black and white. It is set in a train going to the slayer battlegrounds, his body language shows that he is angry and doesn’t want to be there.

Medium close up, High key lighting, the focus is on the main character, it is set on the slayer battlegrounds, his body language show us that he is scared, he is also engaging contact to the enemy, hence holding gun.

Long low angle shot of a new york Advertiser, the focus is on the advertisement “Slayers”. Editing has been used to focus on the advertisement.

Long shot of multiple “slayers”, Low key lighting,  the focus is on the slayer characters, this is set in a slayer battleground. The slayers body language suggest that they are scared and are engaging combat.

This is a high long shot of the slayers, this is set in the death row encampment. The lighting is high key in this shot and the focus is on the inmates.

This is a medium shot of the main character, it is set in a car in the slayer battlegrounds. The focus of this shot is on the gun. The body language suggests that he wants to kill. Low key lighting in this shot.

After watching and analyzing Gamer's opening sequence i decided on changing my desired genre of my opening sequence to "Infection Horror". As i feel it will be easier in these circumstance's, For example. High key explosions and gun's will not be available.

Wednesday 11 May 2011


This is a Moodboard i created to show the different forms of the Horror genre and its famous conventions.

Horror Conventions

Horror Film’s Research and Conventions

Horror Films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic, cause dread and alarm, and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience.
Horror films effectively centre on the dark side of life, the forbidden, and strange and alarming events. They deal with our most primal nature and its fears: our nightmares, our vulnerability, our alienation, our terror of the unknown, our fear of death and dismemberment.
Characters are very important, having the leads as the main survivor. The enemy’s of the film, in my case the survivors, must have a unique “Killing Style” or a trademark, which for the infected, would be devouring their prey.

Opening Film Sequence Proposal

Opening Film Sequence Proposal – Jamie Mears

Title of Film: It Started As A Cure
Genre: Infection, Horror.
Medium: Opening sequence for the film.
Length: 2Mins Approximately.

The aim of this product is to get the targeted audience’s attention to the film’s existence; this will mainly be to get them to watch the film. This will be advertised to a wide audience, to increase chances of a greater profit (Because more people know of the film).
The target audience would be, Teenagers and young adults aged between (16-21), mixed gender’s. The target audience would be the type of teenager who likes dark things, For example, “Goths” Have been chosen as a realistic audience, due to common stereotypes of them liking dark and evil things.
This product will be a short 2Minute trailer, of a Horror film called “It Started As A Cure”. It will take place in a school, and will consist of some action against the infected and some drama between survivors.
The aesthetics of this product are aimed to be quite Dark, and fearful. Give slight a deathly apparel and try and make the audience thankful to be alive. The appropriate language for this type of genre, would be quite aggressive at the times of action, but quite soft/sympathetic/scared at times of rest and quite times.
The product will be produced at the Blandford School, and will use the Faculty’s Camera’s and Mac Suites for editing. We will use Students with their and the schools permission to be actor’s in the film.
The job’s that are needed, would be Cameraman, Scout, Editor, Make-up/Clothes Helper, Director, Actor(s), Sound Technician, and a small group to help set up the equipment.