Sunday 15 May 2011

Textual Analysis - "Gamer"

Low angle, lighting flickers, the focus is on the prisoners, the colours have been slightly edited out to show only black and white. It is set in a train going to the slayer battlegrounds, the prisoners body language is that they are tense and don’t know what’s going to happen to them.

Close up shot, bad lighting, the focus is on the main character, editing has been used to make it black and white. It is set in a train going to the slayer battlegrounds, his body language shows that he is angry and doesn’t want to be there.

Medium close up, High key lighting, the focus is on the main character, it is set on the slayer battlegrounds, his body language show us that he is scared, he is also engaging contact to the enemy, hence holding gun.

Long low angle shot of a new york Advertiser, the focus is on the advertisement “Slayers”. Editing has been used to focus on the advertisement.

Long shot of multiple “slayers”, Low key lighting,  the focus is on the slayer characters, this is set in a slayer battleground. The slayers body language suggest that they are scared and are engaging combat.

This is a high long shot of the slayers, this is set in the death row encampment. The lighting is high key in this shot and the focus is on the inmates.

This is a medium shot of the main character, it is set in a car in the slayer battlegrounds. The focus of this shot is on the gun. The body language suggests that he wants to kill. Low key lighting in this shot.

After watching and analyzing Gamer's opening sequence i decided on changing my desired genre of my opening sequence to "Infection Horror". As i feel it will be easier in these circumstance's, For example. High key explosions and gun's will not be available.

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