Sunday 15 May 2011

Story Plot

Infection Genre

Scientist’s have made a life-changing discovery, a cure for cancer. As soon as it’s distributed, they find a catastrophic side effect. Turns the user into a made rage which use’s its primal instinct to find and kill all remaining humans left.
To survive the event, a group of survivors take hold up in a school, barricading themselves inside.
The group consists of 5 people, 2 females 3 males. All have completely different views and styles.
The film follows them as they make their way threw the school, finding new ways to defend themselves, barricading each wing of the school, as they slowly get overwhelmed.
While the infected remain outside, a new hatred starts within the group, and as arguments flair the group is at it’s weakest. Then the infected strike and the group are forced to make its last stand.

Character Info

My Main character is a "Jamie", Male, about 18 Years old. Just finished his A-Levels and looking to move far away from his small hometown in Dorset. He has Mid length blonde hair, about 6Ft2 and from a tough background. He will be quite dominent when it comes with leadership, a good fighter and a great tactician.
His main concern of this movie is to get as far away as possible from this town, and start fresh with a new life. He would fit into the average category personality wise, quite calm and understanding but has a mean temper. That help's his leadership skills through out the film.

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